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Our rooms

"Refined Vietri ceramics furnish our rooms, equipped with all the comforts to make guests feel pampered. Four of them are accompanied by a magnificent terrace, fully furnished and with a splendid sea view. The background contains the immensity of the Gulf of Salerno on one side and the lights of the Divine Amalfi Coast, with the entire Ravello hill on the other."

... in the middle you ... and your wishes.

"Don't you know what love I love?
I love how the sea loves the shore:
softly and furiously".





© 2018 www.pensionerealemaiori.it . All Rights Reserved | Lungomare G. Amendola, 13 - 84010 Maiori (SA), Italia Tel.:+39 089 877 285 - Fax. +39 089 20 22 200
mobile: +39 33189 98 893  Telephone number for foreign guests: +39 339 26 88 566 e-mail info@pensionerealemaiori.it

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